Capital markets regulator Sebi on Thursday issued action orders against 15 guest experts on Zee Business channel for illegal trading.Entity made illegal profits INRSebi pointed out that $7.41 billion was obtained from such transactions, the profits of which were shared with guest experts as per prior understandings.
Market regulator also asked guest experts to pay INR7.41 billion. The guest experts appeared on Zee Business channel from February 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022. “The facts of this case demonstrate a clear manipulative scheme to the detriment of investors by misleading them into taking positions in securities so that a commercial company can make a profit.” at the expense of investors,” Sebi said in the 127-page order.
It further added that the illegal profits earned by these profit seekers directly or indirectly come out of the private pockets of innocent investors who are unaware of the fraudulent scheme and follow the advice of guest experts.
Sebi also prohibited all 10 companies from “buying, selling or dealing in securities in any manner whatsoever, directly or indirectly, until further orders”.
The regulator has also asked Zee Media Corporation to preserve and maintain all records, documentary video records and their contents related to guest experts and related programs till the final order is passed.
The list includes Simi Bhowmik, Mudit Goyal Himanshu Gupta, Ashish Kelkar, Kiran Jadhav, Ramawattal Lalchand Chotia, SAAR Securities India Private Limited, Ajaykumar Ramakant Sharma, Rupesh Kumar. It includes names such as Matriya, Nitin Chalani, Kanhya Trading Company, Manan Sharecom Private Limited and SAAR. Commodities Private Limited, Partha Sarathi Dhar, Nirmal Kumar Soni.
SEBI said in its order that all 15 guest experts are prohibited from buying, selling or dealing in securities in any manner directly or indirectly until further orders.
The current legal proceedings are based on a dispute between the trading activities of certain entities and stock recommendations by guest experts appearing on various programs broadcast on the television channel Zee Business during the period commencing February 1, 2022. This was revealed by a study conducted by Sebi to check the high correlation. Valid until December 31, 2022.
Considering the prima facie pattern of correlation between the transactions of the suspicious entities and the recommendations by guest experts on Zee Business, further investigation is being conducted to gather evidence of possible violation of Sebi regulations. It was done.
A search and seizure operation was then carried out at the suspect's premises following a court order.
During the operation, certain electronic devices were seized and statements were recorded under oath.
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