Most business credit cards require a personal guarantee. This allows creditors to trace a person's assets in order to recover unpaid debts. If you don't want to take that risk, we also offer some business cards without a personal guarantee.
These cards come with their own tradeoffs. For example, you may not be able to maintain your balance or maximize your benefits.Please consider other business credit card Because of those perks. However, if limiting your personal liability is a priority, we recommend a card without a guarantee.
best business cards without personal guarantee
The following business cards do not require a personal guarantee, provided they meet other requirements such as revenue and minimum years in business. Most of these cards are only available to corporate businesses, so there are few options for sole traders.
lamp card
Overall excellent business card without personal guarantee
of lamp card Easier to obtain than other business cards without. personal guarantee — For example, you don't need professional funding or millions of dollars in annual income. However, cash-on-hand requirements remain stringent. To qualify, he must have at least $75,000 in his business bank account. If you meet Ramp's requirements, you'll get unlimited cashback benefits and card-level spending controls with no annual fee.
Ramp is a charge card, so you cannot carry a balance with you. Instead, everything you charge will be automatically debited from your business account on the same day each month. Read reviews.
Reward: Earn unlimited 1.5% cashback on all purchases.
Additional benefits: Spend management, forecasting tools, and automated receipt matching.
brex card
Ideal for high rewards without personal guarantees
The Brex Corporate Card offers a welcome bonus and a generous but complex benefits structure. There are two types of BREX cards: daily and monthly. There is no option to carry a balance with you. For the daily version, brex business account, it will be similar to a debit card. To qualify for monthly payments, a professional investor must have a business account balance of at least $50,000 (or $1 million if self-funded). Read reviews.
Reward: Earn points on every spend with industry-leading multipliers. 7x on rideshares, 4x on Brex Travel, 3x on restaurants, 2x on software subscriptions, and 1x on all other transactions. Earn 3x Brex Rewards points on all eligible Apple purchases through your link or Brex Dashboard.
Welcome bonus: Earn 10,000 points after you spend $3,000 on your Brex Card within the first 3 months.
Additional benefits: Sales and discounts from various vendors that may be attractive to startups, including Amazon Web Services, Apple, and QuickBooks.
Sam's Club Business Mastercard
Best Wholesale Club Cards Without Personal Guarantee
Corporations that meet certain criteria, such as being in business for at least two years and having annual sales or revenue of $5 million or more, can obtain a Sam's Club Business Mastercard without a personal guarantee. This card comes with perks like up to 5% back on gas, but they're earned as Sam's Cash and can only be used at Sam's Club.
Reward: Earn up to 5% back on gas, 3% back on food and takeout, and 1% back on all other purchases.
Welcome bonus: Receive a $30 statement credit after you make a $30 purchase at Sam's Club within the first 30 days of account opening.
Additional benefits: Sam's Plus members earn an additional 3% on purchases at Sam's Club (on top of the 2% earned with a Plus membership).
charity charge non profit business card
No-warranty card perfect for nonprofit organizations
Charity charges are available to nonprofit organizations and other organizations with tax-exempt status. However, your organization must have been in operation for at least five years and have annual revenue of $100,000 or more. Organizations that have been operating for at least two years can qualify with annual revenue of at least $500,000. (Nonprofit organizations that do not meet either criteria may also apply. secure business credit card ) This is a charge card, so you must pay off your balance in full each month.
Reward: Through Mastercard Easy Savings, you can take advantage of automatic rebates on travel, fuel, business services, and more at participating vendors.
Additional benefits: 24/7 customer support by phone or email.
Nerd wallet evaluation
5.0 /Five |
Nerd wallet evaluation
5.0 /Five |
Nerd wallet evaluation
4.6 /Five |
normal annual interest rate 18.49%-24.49% variable annual rate |
Intro APR 0% initial APR on purchases for 12 months |
Intro APR 0% initial APR on purchases for 12 months from account opening date |
Who can get a business credit card without a personal guarantee?
Large businesses and small businesses with large cash reserves and significant revenues can often obtain business credit cards without a personal guarantee. These attributes indicate that the company is in a strong financial position to take on the role that a personal guarantee plays and repay credit card debt.
Why do business credit cards require a personal guarantee?
For credit card issuers, business is a risky gamble. According to data from the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, approximately 20% of new businesses go out of business within their first year, and only 34.7% are able to reach their 10th anniversary. A personal guarantee can help reduce the risk an issuer takes when extending credit to your business.
Disadvantages of business cards without personal guarantee
Obtaining a business card that does not require a personal guarantee can minimize your personal risk, but there are also definite disadvantages.
First, these cards are usually corporate credit cardonly available to corporate businesses with high annual revenues and healthy bank balances (think $20,000 or more each). business checking account). And since many are charge cards, you'll need to pay off your balance in full each month.
Business credit cards that don't require a personal guarantee also don't offer the generous welcome bonuses, cash back, or travel perks found on traditional business cards. If you have good personal credit, consider applying. cashback business credit card Earn rewards or 0% annual rate period To have flexibility in cash flow.