Tokyo – November 13, 2020 – Toppan Printing (TSE: 7911), a global leader in communications, security, packaging, decorative materials, and electronics solutions, has announced the TOPPAN Business Action for SDGs, which defines each area. ” was announced. Our business focus is to contribute to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Toppan announced the “TOPPAN SDGs Statement” in November 2019, pledging to incorporate SDGs into its management strategy and strengthen efforts to achieve various goals. Based on the idea of contributing to the realization of a society that realizes “affluent and sustainable living,” Toppan classifies important issues that should be addressed through business as “business materiality.” Specifically, we have identified three important themes: “Sustainable global environment,'' “Creating a safe, secure, and prosperous society,'' and “Enrichment and improvement of both mind and body.''
“TOPPAN Business Action for SDGs” was formulated to accelerate initiatives centered on business materiality. At Toppan, we have established focus areas for each of the three business themes through discussions among representatives from management, business divisions, and strategic divisions at the Sustainability Promotion Committee, chaired by President and CEO Hideharu Maro, and related SDGs Promotion Working Groups. has been identified. Materiality. We envisioned society in 2030 and selected nine fields based on backcasting where Toppan's technology and know-how could be most utilized.
“Business Action for SDGs is an extension of Toppan's ambition to be a company that creates social value for a sustainable society,” said Fumie Ikeda, Toppan's Sustainability Promotion Headquarters. “Currently, we are positioning contributing to the achievement of the SDGs as a basic strategy of our medium-term management plan. We are working with stakeholders to achieve the goal of sustainable and fulfilling lives for all, and we are committed to achieving this goal in each priority area. We will continue to strengthen our activities and report on our progress.”

Environment: Sustainable global environment
1) Building a circular economy
We promote the 3Rs (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle), extend the lifespan of products, share/recovery based on material development, and upcycle to prevent pollution and destruction caused by waste.
2) Decarbonization
By providing environmentally friendly materials and systems, as well as energy saving and energy creation solutions, we contribute to reducing greenhouse gas emissions and preventing global warming.
3) Expansion of environmentally friendly products and solutions
We will expand the development of Toppan's monomaterial GL FILM and other environmentally friendly products and solutions, and establish a certification program to ensure that our contributions to the environment are visible and widely recognized.
Community: Creating a safe, secure, and spiritually enriching community
1) Creating a safe society where people can be themselves
Utilizing security system technology, we will create an environment where anyone can safely use their own data, and provide personal data utilization services that both improve convenience and protect privacy.
2) Contributing to improving the QOL of local communities
Utilizing our nationwide network and digital technology, we will provide residents with optimal services tailored to their region and contribute to the sustainability of local cities.
3) Introduction and preservation of culture
We combine our experience in the cultural and educational fields with cutting-edge technology to develop solutions to preserve and pass on tangible and intangible culture and protect the world's diversity.
People: Empowerment and fulfillment in mind and body
1) Reduce food loss and eliminate hunger
Combining functional packaging and digital transformation to extend shelf life and optimize the balance between supply and demand, reducing food waste across the value chain from the primary sector to the consumer.
2) Creating an educational environment free of obstacles
We provide a global platform that combines educational software and translation technology to realize a society where anyone can learn anytime, anywhere.
3) Health promotion using innovative digital technology
By facilitating access to medical information and services across national and regional borders, we will contribute to extending the healthy life expectancy of people around the world.
Toppan's SDGs material issues
Toppan positions the SDGs as a growth engine that accelerates our efforts to become a social value creation company. Toppan selects important issues to focus on from among the 17 goals of the SDGs and categorizes them into company-wide materiality and business materiality, with the former divided into two themes and the latter into three themes. Toppan aims to contribute to “rich and sustainable living” by promoting and combining initiatives that go beyond themes.

Business materiality
・Environment (sustainable global environment)
・Community (creating a safe, secure, and spiritually enriching community)
・People (empowerment and fulfillment of mind and body)

・Environmentally friendly and sustainable production
・Employee health and job satisfaction
About Toppan
Toppan is one of the world's leading providers of integrated solutions in printing, communications, security, packaging, decorative materials, electronics and digital transformation. Serving customers in all areas of business and industry, Toppan's global team of more than 50,000 employees is dedicated to addressing the diverse challenges businesses and society face in today's rapidly changing markets. , we leverage our industry-leading expertise and technology to deliver optimal solutions.
For more information, visit https://www.toppan.com/en/ or follow Toppan on LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/company/toppan-printing/.